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Conservation Minutes 01/03/2008
Minutes of Meeting
January 3, 2008

Present: R. Willis, C. Botchis, A. Tolland, P. Boncek, J. Fournier, P. Murphy, J. Senterman,
M. Allen, Associate Member, Nick Alfieri, Conservation Agent
Mr. Nick Alfieri’s Agent’s Report has been appended to the minutes.
Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 13 Bubbling Brook Drive – Silver – CE159-___
Mr. Paul DeSimone of Colonial Engineering appeared before the Commission for the construction of a septic system. Mr. DeSimone informed the Commission that the house is to be sold in the near future and the septic system needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
Mr. Alfieri stated that no DEP file number has yet been received by the Conservation Department; therefore, the hearing cannot be closed at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Alfieri also informed the applicant of 6 additional items which need to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.
Mr. Alfieri also recommended that the Commission conduct a site walk of this property before the next meeting.
The Conservation Chairman questioned Mr. DeSimone if the area where the proposed work will take place is all previously disturbed area. Mr. DeSimone informed him that the area is all lawn with adjacent woods and stated that from the haybales to the wetlands is heavily wooded.
The Chairman asked Mr. DeSimone where the old septic system will be disposed of. The septic system will be removed off the site. The Commission requested as to the location of the stockpiled material. Mr. DeSimone stated that it will be located outside of Conservation jurisdiction and was requested by Commission members to depict this on the plan.
A Commission member inquired as to the location of the staging area and that it be depicted on the plan.
The Commission Chairman noted that there was no one in the audience who had any issues regarding this project.
There was a motion to continue the hearing until January 17th so that the Commission may conduct a site walk. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 7-0-0. The Commission will walk the site on Sunday, January 6th at noon.
Continued – Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Lot 1 Marine Way - Boudreau – CE159-956
Mr. Steve Poole of Inland Survey appeared before the Commission for the construction of a single-family house. Mr. Poole presented revised plans to the Commission depicting the requests of the Commission at the recent site walk.
Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant of 1 item which needs to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.
A Commission member requested that mitigation be provided for any trees to be removed from the site. The size, type and number of trees to be taken down and what will replace them was also requested to be depicted on the plan. This Commission member also requested that the trees to be planted in the 0-25 ft. area be planted by hand and this should be noted on the plans as well.
The placement of bounds were also discussed by the Commission. Mr. Poole stated that the bounds will be placed at the 25 ft. line. The Commission requested that the plans be revised to depict the bounds at the angle points at the limit of disturbances on the site.
A Commission member requested as to the length of survival of these trees to be planted as replication. This member suggested changing the species of these trees to ensure a lengthy survival period. The Commission requested that the trees be planted before the haybales are installed and will modify the special condition applicable to this in the Orders of Conditions.
Mr. Alfieri requested that Mr. Poole call him before the trees are to be planted on the site so that he can monitor the planting as they will be put in before the haybales are installed.
A Commission member stated that on the east side of the site, it was observed at the site walk, there is a large Oriential Bittersweet which is an invasive planting. This member suggested that there be a special order included in the Orders of Conditions that this planting be eradicated and burned before the soils are dug up to avoid the seeds going into the wetlands.
The Commission Chairman noted that there was no one in the audience who had any issues regarding this project.
There was a motion to continue the hearing until January 17th so that the applicant has an opportunity to submit the revised plans. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 7-0-0.
Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Lot 2 Marine Way – Boudreau – CE159-957
Mr. Steve Poole of Inland Survey appeared before the Commission for the construction of a single-family house. Mr. Poole presented revised plans to the Commission depicting the requests of the Commission at the recent site walk. The same comments apply regarding plantings, trees and bounds that apply for Lot 1 Marine Way.
Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant that the same item needs to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing as applied in Lot 1 Marine Way.
Mr. Alfieri said that Mr. Poole submitted a subdivision plan which depicts the cross sections of the drainage structure depicted on the plans.
The Commission Chairman noted that there was no one in the audience who had any issues regarding this project.
A Commission member stated that on Flag 856, there is a large Multiflora Rose and suggested it would be beneficial to have it cut next fall. This Commissioner would like to have bounds placed at the edge of the lawn. Thirdly, it was discussed as to what restrictions on lawn chemicals could be put in place and what type of fertilizers can be used on the site.
There was a motion to continue the hearing until January 17th so that the applicant has an opportunity to submit the revised plans. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 7-0-0.
Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Lot 3 Marine Way – Boudreau – CE159-958
Mr. Steve Poole of Inland Survey appeared before the Commission for the construction of a single-family house. Mr. Poole presented revised plans to the Commission depicting the requests of the Commission at the recent site walk.
Mr. Alfieri questioned Mr. Poole as to the location of the proposed water line coming into the site. Mr. Poole stated that he has a meeting with representatives of the DPW regarding this and a water line will be brought in to serve all 3 houses on the site.
The Commission Chairman stated that the same comments apply for this site as for Lots 1&2 Marine Way as stated above.
The Commission Chairman noted that there was no one in the audience who had any issues regarding this project.
A Commission member questioned as to the length of survival of these trees to be planted as replication. This member suggested changing the species of these trees to ensure a lengthy survival period. The Commission requested that the trees be planted before the haybales are installed and will modify the special condition applicable to this in the Orders of Conditions.
Mr. Poole stated that there will not be a stockpile area on this site. A Commission member requested that if there is a stockpile area for any type of materials to keep it located outside of the buffer zone.
A Commission member stated that he is in favor of bounds on this site. In an area out of Conservation jurisdiction, a silt trap on the end of the access road would be desirable.
There was a motion to continue the hearing until January 17th so that the applicant has an opportunity to submit the revised plans. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 7-0-0.
Extension Permit: Franklin Place – Off Uncas Avenue – SE159-813
There was a discussion among Commission members regarding the issuance of an Extension Permit for the above-mentioned site. The applicant has requested a one-year extension to the Orders of Conditions.
There was a motion to issue a one-year Extension Permit to the Orders of Conditions. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-1-0; 6 Yes, 1 No, 0 Abstentions.
Signed Certificate of Compliance & Extension Permit
Extension Permit – Off Uncas Avenue – Walsh Brothers – SE159-813
Certificate of Compliance – 82 South Street – Rezendes – SE159-699
There was a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 7-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary